Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hot Nude Yoga Returns! Nov 7-9

Written by Aaron Star
Hot Nude Yoga is about exploring boundaries, and taking inner steps towards greater freedom. To do this, Hot Nude Yoga teaches many different Yogic practices, including the sublime practices of Tantra. During the weekend we will explore these different aspects of Hot Nude Yoga, which includes Tantra – the sensuality of touch, the science and applications of mantra (sound), Kundalini/Shakti (the creative and sexual energy we all hold), and of course, Partner Yoga..

Aaron, when working with students in his classes, retreats, DVD’s, or workshops has shown many students how to fine tune their senses to experience that sublime erotic flow within you and its subtle energetic current while cultivating a deeper awareness of your inner sanctuary.

You will also be introduced to the principles of Alignment, and get to practice with different partners. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to touch and promote harmony in yourself and others.

Each Yoga session will offer a different taste of what Yoga can offer you, and will help you to re-enter your life with more peace and tranquility. Although it is possible to take each session separately, it is recommended to attend the entire weekend, as each part builds on the last.

Please read our student reviews section to hear from students about their experiences. (You do need to log into our site to view all the stories.)


Friday, Nov 7, - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM (HNY Session)

Saturday, Nov 8, - 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Intro Partner)

(one hour for lunch - please bring some fruit or a light snack)

Saturday, Nov 8 - 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Tantra Yoga - the Yoga of Bliss)

Sunday, Nov 9 - 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Aaron's Surprise - it will be delicious!)

Register Now! Early Bird (Before Oct 17) - $130

After Oct 17 - $175 (Use the button below ONLY after Oct 17)